Ultimately, it’s about acceptance. Mental health issues can affect all of us.

Helena Young shares her story of experiencing high anxiety and burnout and touches on the tools and techniques that helped her get through it.

Helena Young has been a pharmacist for 15 years and works in the Education and Training sector at the Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education (CPPE). In this podcast, she shares with us her experience of anxiety, and tips for others going through something similar.

In the first year that I was qualified, I was working in community pharmacy, and I had this episode of really high anxiety, to the point it was affecting me every day.


It's okay to ask for help and support to get you back on track.

Mental health support for pharmacists

If you have been affected by this story and are struggling with mental health, help is available through our confidential counselling service.

Find out more about Counselling

Hear from more pharmacists about managing and overcoming mental health concerns

Hear from more pharmacists about managing and overcoming mental health concerns

“Behind the brave face I was hiding anxiety, as well as that deep feeling of imposter syndrome.”

Chi Huynh shares the struggles he's had with mental health and anxiety over the course of his career as a university lecturer, and how he's dealing with them.

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Mental health is just as important as physical health. I now make sure I put in boundaries to care for myself.

Amandeep Doll shares her experience of high-functioning anxiety and depression and shares her tips on how to manage the condition.

Hear from more pharmacists about managing and overcoming mental health concerns

Speaking up should not be a shameful action that can cost your career and affect your mental health.

Elsy Gomez Campos reflects on her struggles with mental health caused by a challenging and unsupportive work environment, and how she overcame them.