Coping with assessment stress

Lots of people can experience stress when preparing for and sitting exams. Here is some information and links to resources to help you before and during the registration assessment.

We all feel stressed from time to time, especially during pressure points such as sitting an important exam. However, for some people the pressure of sitting the assessment and the anticipation of results becomes too much. On this page, we’ll look at ways trainees can manage this pressure and cope with assessment stress. 

Looking after yourself during the assessment period

Stress can have a profound effect on someone’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviour. It can cause them to feel anxious, out of control and unable to cope. If this sounds like how you’re feeling right now, we have lots of info and tips on how to cope with stress and anxiety across the Mental Health and Wellbeing area on our website.

Take a look at the Mental Health and Wellbeing area

Looking after your mind and body is also really important when preparing for your assessment. It will help you to function better during revision before the exam. This includes making a conscious decision to sleep well up to and during the assessment. Sleep plays an important part in our cognitive functioning, meaning that those who have healthy sleeping habits tend to perform better.

If you’re struggling to manage your sleeping habits, you might find some good tips in this video:

Réactions allergiques: Réactions d’hypersensibilité (e. Imagerie IRM améliorée par contraste des lésions cérébrales: comparaison croisée intra-individuelle à grande échelle du gadobénate diméglumine par rapport au gadodiamide. Il n’y avait pas de malformations fœtales liées au vaccin ou d’autres preuves de tératogenèse Informez surtout votre médecin si vous: avez une phénylkentonurie (PCU).

How to get a better night's sleep

Lots of people can experience stress when preparing for and sitting exams. Here is some information and links to resources to help you before and during the registration assessment.


Study time 

It’s important to set aside time to dedicated study and revision. You may have felt that your training left you with little time to study. If this is the case, it may be useful to create a revision plan. 

Download a printable revision planner

If you feel lost or don’t know where to begin, there are a number of revision sites that can help trainees to prepare. Many of these sites offer free trials which can help you to decide which best fits your revision needs. Here are some suggestions to get you started:- 

Exam nerves 

Exam stress can affect trainees in a variety of ways. If you think that exam stress may negatively impact your performance, you could consider learning a coping technique, for example, mindfulness. According to the NHS, studies have found that mindfulness programmes, can bring about reductions in stress and improvements in mood.  

  • For further information on mindfulness, see our page on mindfulness
  • For further information on coping with stress, see our page on help with stress
  • For further information on coping with anxiety, see our page on help with anxiety

If feelings of nervousness or worry become too much, you may benefit from talking therapy.

Take a look at your talking therapy options


This webpage was last reviewed in April 2024.

More stress support for trainees

More stress support for trainees

Listening Friends service

Listening Friends is our peer support service. This peer support service offers you the choice of speaking in confidence and anonymously to one of our trained volunteer pharmacists.

More stress support for trainees


Most people experience feelings of anxiety at some points in their life and is not uncommon. This page provides information about anxiety and where you can find support.

More stress support for trainees


Wellbeing can be affected by all manner of different things, for example: diet and lifestyle, workplace pressures and personal relationships.