“I learnt that ‘communication’ was the key word for the training year.”

Hevin Younes shares with her experience of moving from university to her foundation placement, and tips on how to prepare for the assessment.

Hevin Younes did her foundation training with Cohens Chemist and has been qualified for nine months. She is now a Relief Pharmacist at the same pharmacy where she did her training. In this trainee story, she shares with us her experience of moving from university to her foundation placement, and tips on how to prepare for the assessment.

Key word: adapt

Like many in my cohort, the pandemic was one of the most challenging aspects I faced during university. As a student, the key word was how to ‘adapt’ to the new circumstances and keep up to date with any changes that may have affected my studies. Having to adapt and be flexible taught me how to be more responsible and is something I carry with me to this day.

Key word: communication

Then, moving on to the foundation training, I didn’t find the transition from being a student to a trainee pharmacist easy. At the start, finding the right resources to prepare for the registration assessment was difficult and, because I was thinking about it every day, it impacted my wellbeing and became very stressful. I learnt that ‘communication’ was the key word for that year. I received a lot of support from my supervisor and another trainee pharmacist with whom I was working alongside, which was great as we planned our revision together and shared knowledge. For me, the teamwork, the positive environment and working with nice people had a good impact on my learning, feeling comfortable and functioning well.


Get it right and you will end up working smarter, not harder.

For others in or going into their foundation year, my advice is to focus on time management, as working full time and revising is very challenging. Actively plan how to divide your time between revision, work and social life. For example, in the first few months, familiarise yourself with your team and workload and then make a revision timetable. Get it right and you will end up working smarter, not harder, to get more done.

Assessment support for trainees

For further guidance and information about getting mentally prepared for the assessment, sign up to our Wellbeing Learning Platform. You'll find lots of free training workshops, including 'How to Get Mentally Prepared for the Assessment'.

Sign up now for free!

More support for the training year

More support for the training year

Foundation trainee pharmacist overview

This page provides information about finance and budgeting, employment advice, changing supervisor and progress reports. It also includes details of organisations who offer training and support.

More support for the training year

Sitting the GPhC assessment

This page gives information and advice about everything you need to do to be ready for the registration assessment.

More support for the training year

“Failing my first attempt wasn’t the end of the world, even if it felt like it at the time”.

Vivien Yu shares how she picked herself up after failing the trainee assessment.