This page contains information about the foundation training grant, including who can claim it and what happens if a trainee pharmacist switches training provider part way through the training year.
Community foundation trainee pharmacist training grant – England before 2025
The grant is currently set at £18,440 per year. It is the training provider’s responsibility to claim this grant and the grant is paid to them monthly in arrears. The NHS grant is only payable to recognised training providers (who have been approved by the GPhC). The grant is only guaranteed to be paid for a for a maximum of 52 weeks of foundation pharmacist training.
Your training provider will need to submit a form via the National Health Service Business Services Authority (NHSBSA) Manage Your Service (MYS) Portal. Community Pharmacy England (CPE) has further information about submitting a claim for funding for a trainee. You can find out more about this on the CPE website.
The GPhC does not:-
- give funding for foundation trainee pharmacist training
- influence the eligibility for funding at any particular training arrangement or at any stage of funding
- give advice about funding
- tell anyone else about any change of training arrangements
- show on the training record whether training is full or part-time, so any responsibility for telling funding providers lies with the training provider
- issue a training record to anyone other than the trainee named on the training record
Foundation trainee pharmacist training grant – England for placements from 2025/26
NHS England (NHSE) has announced that from 2025/26, the funding available to all foundation training sites will be harmonised.
The level of funding for each site employing a foundation trainee pharmacist in the 2025/26 training year will be £26,500 per trainee.
This funding will be consistent across all sectors of practice and all regions of England.
In addition, NHSE will provide access to a consistent, funded training offer which will be available to all foundation trainee pharmacists across all sectors and regions.
In the 2025/26 training year, all foundation training sites will also be required to meet the same quality standards, with NHSE taking on new responsibilities, delegated by the General Pharmaceutical Council, for the quality assurance of all foundation training sites. Only trainees who are recruited via Oriel, the NHS online recruitment programme, will be eligible for a funded placement.
You can find out more about the new process by visiting the Health Education England (HEE) website.
Salary payment to trainee pharmacists
Trainees will not necessarily receive the whole of the training grant. It is up to the employer to decide what salary to offer, however it must meet the national minimum wage requirements. For up to date information on the national minimum wage, see the government website.
Trainees who have any concerns about the rate of pay offered or their employment contract can contact Pharmacist Support for further advice. Pharmacist Support may be able to help by referring trainees for specialist employment advice. Trainees can contact us on our general enquiry line: 0808 168 2233, or email us
Alternatively, trainees who are a member of a trade union can contact their local trade union representative.
Switching placements
If a trainee wishes to switch to an alternative training provider it is the responsibility of the previous training provider to inform the NHS that the trainee is no longer in the placement. Once the training provider has informed the NHS the payment to them will stop and the remainder of the grant will be set aside for the new provider. The trainee’s new training provider should make a claim to NHS England as set out in the paragraph above. The new provider can only claim for the remainder of the 52 week grant.
Trainees should note that NHS England provides a grant for a maximum of 52 weeks. There is no guarantee that any additional training required beyond the 52 week threshold will be funded. If trainees wish to switch training placements, it is a good idea to switch at a sign-off, for example week 13 or week 26. Training can be banked at these points provided the trainee has satisfactory sign-offs. If a trainee switches in between sign-offs, they automatically revert back to the previous sign off, for example if they switch at week 20, they will automatically revert back to week 14, provided that they have a satisfactory week 13 sign-off. This will mean a shortfall in funding of 6 weeks.
Trainees should note that employers can opt to pay the trainee themselves if they so wish. It could be a good idea for trainees who are facing a funding shortfall to try to negotiate a salary with prospective employers wherever possible.
Trainees can bank and switch at week 39, however whilst this will allow trainees to register for the final assessment exam they will not be able to commence a new training placement at week 40. They would revert to week 27 (provided that they have a satisfactory week 26 sign-off) as a designated supervisor must have known a trainee for a minimum of six months in order to give the final 52 week sign-off. This will mean that there will be a shortfall in the training grant. Trainees should be aware that the new training provider will only be guaranteed the remainder of the grant. For example, a trainee who switches at week 39 will have to complete 26 weeks of training but will only be guaranteed the NHS grant for 13 weeks of that training.
Any trainees wishing to bank and switch must get approval from the GPhC before doing so.
Additional placements
Some trainees will have to do an additional placement if they do not get all of their sign-offs. If the trainee has already completed 52 weeks of training, it may be that NHS England will not provide any funding for the additional placement.
Hospital trainee pharmacists salary – England before 2025
Hospital trainees are paid according to salary Band 5 on the nationally agreed NHS salary scale.
Hospital trainee pharmacists salary – England from 2025/26
NHS England (NHSE) has announced that from 2025/26, the funding available to all foundation training sites will be harmonised.
The level of funding for each site employing a foundation trainee pharmacist in the 2025/26 training year will be £26,500 per trainee.
This funding will be consistent across all sectors of practice and all regions of England.
In addition, NHSE will provide access to a consistent, funded training offer which will be available to all foundation trainee pharmacists across all sectors and regions.
In the 2025/26 training year, all foundation training sites will also be required to meet the same quality standards, with NHSE taking on new responsibilities, delegated by the General Pharmaceutical Council, for the quality assurance of all foundation training sites. Only trainees who are recruited via Oriel, the NHS online recruitment programme, will be eligible for a funded placement.
You can find out more about the new process by visiting the Health Education England (HEE) website.
Community/hospital trainee pharmacist training grant – Scotland and Wales
Trainees in Scotland can apply for a Foundation Training Year (FTY) training placement via NHS Education for Scotland (NES). All trainees in the FTY scheme are currently paid the current NES band 5 starting salary.
Trainee pharmacists in Wales are paid the current NHS band 5 starting salary. This can be found on the Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) website.
Training providers will not have to make a claim for the grant. NES and HEIW will be aware of where the trainees have been placed and will transfer the funds accordingly.
There is a cap on the number of places funded by NES and HEIW. Whilst employers can employ as many trainees pharmacists as they wish (assuming that the GPhC criteria are being met), only trainees recruited via the PRPS will be funded by NES and HEIW.
Other useful Pharmacist Support information
We have compiled a series of pages on the subject of the foundation year. These pages will help trainees who are about to begin their foundation training year.
Foundation trainee: The assessment page
Foundation trainee: The foundation trainee pharmacist year page
Foundation trainee: What to do when you receive your results page
Foundation trainee: Finding a placement page
This page was last reviewed and updated in January 2024.
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