Our policies and statements

If you're looking for our policies and statements, you will find them here. For more information, please contact us.

Pharmacist Support is a well-established, independent and trusted charity supporting pharmacists and their families, former pharmacists, trainee pharmacists and pharmacy students.

Our values are central to who we are as a charity and drive the way we work. This page provides details of policies and statements that demonstrate our commitment to these values.


Our policies

Our policies

Privacy policy for service users

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our services users. This page details our privacy policy for those who use our services.

Our policies

Privacy policy for supporters

We are committed to protecting the privacy of our supporters (fundraisers, donors and e-news subscribers). This page details our privacy policy for those who support our charity.

Our policies

Complaints policy and procedure

This page details how to make a complaint about Pharmacist Support.

Our policies

Donations policy

Donations are a key source of income for Pharmacist Support. This page outlines our policy in relation to accepting, refusing and returning donations.

Our statements and other important information

Our statements and other important information

How we use cookies

Pharmacist Support works hard to comply with the law in relation to cookies and similar technologies. This page details how we use cookies on our website.

Our statements and other important information

Accessibility statement

The charity is committed to making its website accessible to everyone. On this page you can find our accessibility statement…

Our statements and other important information

Pharmacist Support prize draw terms and conditions

This page outlines the terms and conditions associated with any prize draws we use for research or marketing purposes.