How our charity’s menopause support group is helping women feel heard and supported

This World Menopause Day we spoke to members of our newly formed Menopause Support Group for team members here at the charity about how the formation of the group has helped them during this life stage.

World Menopause Day is a vital opportunity to raise awareness about menopause symptoms and available support, helping to break the taboo and improve women’s health and wellbeing.

In recognition of this, earlier this year, several members of our charity team—who are at various stages of the menopause—formed a support group. Through this group, our team has found a safe space to share their experiences, worries and insights, discussing everything from symptoms to medications and alternative remedies. Together, they’re learning, supporting each other, and feeling less isolated during this life stage. Here, some of the group share their experiences and take aways from the group so far!

Group member 1

“I’ve really enjoyed being a part of the group. It’s lovely to feel the camaraderie of being with others who are in a similar situation, even though we are all at different stages and our experiences are completely different. We empathise with each other and provide support, but we also have fun together, laugh and share tips and experiences. It’s good to be able to laugh at ourselves and to find humour in what can feel like a difficult situation. We also have gone out together to have fun and blow off steam – and we’re looking forward to the next one too!”

Group member 2

“When the group was first formed, I questioned what I would be able to contribute as I am not an expert. What I found was an hour where I could just share my experience of being perimenopausal and receive empathy, humour and a space where I didn’t feel like I was moaning and that I always just had to manage no matter what.

We share experiences, knowledge and information we have researched, and I feel connected to something bigger, more informed and less alone.
Pharmacist Support Menopause Support Group Member

Group member 3

“In the short time we’ve been meeting, this group has been incredibly helpful and informative. It’s astonishing how much this stage of life affects not just your body and mind, but also your personal and professional life. Lately, when I look in the mirror, I don’t recognise the person staring back at me – I feel like a hollow shell. I struggle to find words, forget names, can’t sleep and feel anxious around the clock. The confident, positive person I once was seems to have disappeared. But having this space to offload, share and support each other has been a huge relief. It’s lifted our spirits and, in some cases, helped us simply get through the day. By offloading some of the tension and worry, we’ve been able to clear mental space, feel less alone and ultimately become more productive both at work and in our personal lives.”

As menopause affects us all in some way – whether directly or through the experiences of a loved one, friend, or colleague – it’s important to use days like World Menopause Day to start conversations, share knowledge and foster understanding. By doing so, we can better support one another, break down the stigma and create more compassionate and inclusive environments, both at home and in the workplace. Let’s embrace this opportunity to learn and grow together.

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