COVID19: Professional Guidance

There is lots of guidance available to support the profession during the Covid-19 outbreak. We have pulled key links together here to support our pharmacy family to find the information they need.

Public health guidance


The NHS has issued guidance that can help pharmacists during the Covid 19 outbreak.

  • Advice for clinicians on coronavirus can be found here.

Royal Pharmaceutical Society (RPS)

The RPS has put together a comprehensive package of information covering all areas of concern to pharmacists during the outbreak. This includes guidance on action plans, contingency plans and FAQs. This information is freely available to all – it is not members only content. Access the RPS information here.

Pharmaceutical Services Negotiating Committee (PSNC)

The PSNC has a range of information including public health advice posters and advice about when to wear personal protection equipment (PPE). You can access their information here.

General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC)

The GPhC has a dedicated Covid 19 page. The regulator has suspended all inspections of pharmacy premises at the moment. You can read the full GPhC update here.

The Pharmacists’ Defence Association (PDA)

The PDA have issued an update to their members that you can view here.

Further support

Further support

COVID 19: Adjusting to working from home

If you are working from home and don’t usually, the change to routine and process can be difficult.

Further support

COVID19: Coping whilst at work

As front-line members of the healthcare system you spend much of your lives serving others. At Pharmacist Support we’re here for you. During this difficult time, we want to help you protect your own mental health and wellbeing.

Further support

Wardley Wellbeing Service

Our wellbeing support is here to help you and your team to prioritise your mental, physical and emotional health.