“Pharmacist Support’s Financial Assistance saved me from being homeless.”

Community Pharmacist, Barbara, was suffering through bereavement and homelessness. Read how our Financial Assistance supported her to get back onto her feet.

Barbara* is a community pharmacist who was made homeless due to a relationship breakdown and the death of her parents. We were able to support her to get back on her feet with our Financial Assistance. She has kindly shared her story to show that there is support out there and it can get better.

“I was a carer to both of my parents and was living with them in a private rented property so I could cater to their medical needs as well as working my full-time community pharmacy job. I have since sadly lost both of my parents and have been struggling through bereavement.

After my parents passed, I was still renting their property. However, I could no longer afford the rent as around the same time as my parents passing, I was going through the breakdown of my long-term relationship. This meant I had to cover all rent and bills alone. Eventually I was evicted and had nowhere else to go, so was rendered homeless.

I spent over 6 months sofa-surfing and sleeping rough.

Due to the cost of my parents’ medical bills, I was in debt and had to take out multiple loans to cover this. In addition, because of some rent arrears from my parents property, I couldn’t get a reference which made the process of finding a new flat extremely difficult. I reached out to my local council for support, but they weren’t able to help me.

I was really struggling and didn’t know where else to turn.

After months of searching, I managed to find a landlord who would rent their property to me. However, I needed to pay the full deposit and one month’s rent upfront. Altogether this was upwards of £4,000 – money I did not have. After spending some time looking online trying to find an option to help me, I came across a social media post about Pharmacist Support’s Financial Assistance. Initially I didn’t apply and continued to try to find a different option. I also used an online benefit checker which gave options relating to any charities or benefits I could be entitled to. Pharmacist Support came up here too, so I decided to apply as I desperately needed help. The application process was straight forward and the forms I needed to complete were available on the website. Pharmacist Support also signposted me to debt support through their Specialist Advice. I was kept up to date throughout the application and the process was much quicker than expected. I then heard back from the charity with the great news I was going to receive financial help.

Pharmacist Support was able to cover the deposit and first month’s rent so I could move into a new flat.

I was able to slowly start to piece together my life again thanks to the Financial Assistance I received.

I would like to say a huge thank you to Pharmacist Support as without their support I would probably still be homeless and may have had to stop working.”


*We have used a pseudonym to protect Barbara’s identity.

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Specialist Advice

On this page you will find some information about our Specialist Advice service.

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Financial Assistance

On this page you will find information about the different types of financial support we offer to pharmacy students, trainees, pharmacists, former pharmacists and their families.

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How we’ve helped others

Assistance from Pharmacist Support can come in many different ways to suit the needs of the individual. Take a look at our case studies to see how we've supported your colleagues and peers in need.