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I need support...

We listen, without judgement, and encourage and empower people to create positive change. Each year we provide thousands of acts of support. we make good things happen.

How we help
Young woman using laptop

Discover support and guidance for MPharm students, trainees and pharmacists

In this section of our website you'll find lots of information and resources to help you manage your mental health and wellbeing, physical health, finances, personal relationships, and academic and work life.

Take a look now

How we've helped

Assistance from Pharmacist Support can come in many different ways to suit the needs of the individual. Take a look at our case studies to see how we've supported your colleagues and peers in need.

How we've helped

Imani's story

“I genuinely don’t know if I would be sitting here writing this if it wasn’t for the counselling sessions and financial support.”

How we've helped

Bob's story

“A chance phone call from Pharmacist Support asking about my health made me admit that I was not well and needed help. At last, I had turned a corner – I had asked for help.”

How we've helped

Aamer's story

“I had lost my confidence and self-belief. I was completely broken.”

I found the phone calls from my Listening Friend extremely valuable. They helped me find my true worth.

Assistance from Pharmacist Support can come in many different ways to suit the needs of the individual. Take a look at our case studies to see how we've supported your colleagues and peers in need.

Latest updates

Check out the latest charity news and activities, stories from our supporters, volunteers and partners.

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Supporting Pharmacist Support on our birthday!

The demand for our mental health and wellbeing support is beyond what we are able to provide. So, for our 184th birthday, we are asking for your help to raise vital funds to ensure we can continue to support the mental health of our pharmacy family.