If you would benefit from professional psychological support, we offer a confidential counselling service. You can access counselling sessions via phone, Zoom or for those within travelling distance to Altrincham, face to face.
If you are going through family or relationship problems, including divorce or separation, the following organisations may be able to provide help.
Relate offers advice, relationship counselling, sex therapy, workshops, mediation, consultations and support, by phone, online, via live chat or face to face. There is a range of information on their website to help in dealing with common problems with relationships, family life and separation and divorce. For further information, call Relate on 0300 003 0396, or see the Relate website.
Family Lives is a national charity working with and for parents. They run a 24 hour confidential helpline for parents as well as an email support service. Other services include parenting groups and workshops, a wide range of information materials and training for professionals and support working with families. For further information, call the Family Lives helpline on 0808 800 2222, or visit the Family Lives website.
Advicenow offers practical information on separation and divorce, including arrangements for children whose parents do not live together. For further information, see the Advicenow website.
National Family Mediation (NFM) is a voluntary sector provider of family mediation services. The service aims to assist couples who are separating or divorcing and children who are impacted by it. Support is given to help people through the process, and to enable them to come to joint decisions about children, finance and property. A charge is made for those not eligible for public funding (legal aid). For further information, call the NFM helpline on 0300 4000 636, or visit the NFM website.
Sorting out separation is the UK government’s online service for parents and couples dealing with divorce or separation. This includes information about legal and mediation matters, money and finances, health, housing and work and benefits. For further information, visit the Sorting out separation section of the government website.
The Money Helper website has a section giving practical information on finances for people going through divorce or separation. For further information, see the Money Helper website.
Pharmacist Support can also refer you to a specialist money adviser for free and confidential advice. Contact our enquiry line on 0808 168 2233 for further information.
Financial assistance towards essential expenditure in times of hardship may be provided to pharmacists and their families, foundation pharmacist trainees and pharmacy students.
If you are currently experiencing hardship, do not hesitate to contact us. We can help you assess whether an application for financial assistance is the best route and discuss what other support might be available for you. We are here to listen and to help in confidence.
For further information you can contact our enquiry line on 0808 168 2233.
If you would like to talk to another pharmacist in confidence, Pharmacist Support’s Listening Friends service is staffed by volunteer pharmacists who offer a free and confidential listening service. Contact the Listening Friends helpline on 0808 168 5133 or contact our enquiry line on 0808 168 2233.
For further details on our counselling offer click here
Help with stress page
Help with debt page
This page was last reviewed in March 2024.
If you would benefit from professional psychological support, we offer a confidential counselling service. You can access counselling sessions via phone, Zoom or for those within travelling distance to Altrincham, face to face.
On this page you can find the definition of the five ways to wellbeing. As well as a self-study module with ideas on how you can implement them into your life to help manage your own mental wellbeing.
Practical advice and steps to take to help you get back in control of your finances.