8 simple ways to beat revision blues
Exams are an inevitable part of student life, but a little preparation and planning can help you to cope with the stresses of exams. Here are a few tips that we hope may be helpful:
- Everyone learns differently – find your learning style and choose a method that works best for you
- Remember that revision is about checking your understanding of the subjects you have been studying and identifying any gaps in your knowledge
- Try to avoid last minute cramming/all-night studying just before exams. It does not help. Set yourself a manageable timetable for revision and then stick to it
- If there are any parts of your course material that you do not understand, ask your classmates and/or tutors for help
- Familiarise yourself with the exams by practicing with past papers
- Time the answers that you write, so that you understand how long you will have to answer each question in exam conditions
- Try to maintain a sensible study/life balance
- Try to remember that there is life after exams
There are also a number of resources available on our website including: webinars on stress and time management, information on well-being workshops as well as a range of information covering areas such as stress and wellbeing, suggestions for finding funding for students with money worries, trainee pharmacist information as well as an MPharm information on careers for MPharm graduates and where to go to find further information.
Students and trainees seeking further information or wishing to discuss their situation in more detail can call 0808 168 2233 or email [email protected]. If you would like to arrange a Listening Friend to give you a call, contact us on 0808 168 5133.
You can find tips on preparing for the postponed pre-registration exam on 17 and 18 March 2021 here.